Senior and Cadet Planning Board Conference
Alona Suzell Ruyeras
SMAD- Davao Council
On the 28th day of July 2007, the Girl Scouts of the Philippines Davao Council conducted the Senior and Cadet Planning Board Conference. The event which was held at the Davao Council office at Ponciano St., Davao City, was participated by the Chairman, Vice-chairman and Scribe of both the senior and cadet planning board in each school. Six more representatives are sent by the participating schools to represent them in the two clubs of the GSP, the Junior Journalist Guild (JJG) and Radio Television (RTV).
Aside from development of skills and emergence of camaraderie among members, the main objective of the conference is to elect new officials and organize the government system of GSP Davao Council. The said event started with an opening ceremony which included the entry of colors, reciting of promise and law and the community singing of the song “We are the Girl Scouts”. Tita Enriqueta Abanilla delivered her welcome address. Dawn Baluso from Davao City National High School followed after with her inspirational message which focused on the conference’s theme: “Girl Scouts World Wide say: building a better world”.
The opening ceremony ended with the singing of the same community song, “We are the Girl Scouts”. Tita Beatriz Hualde, better known as Tita Betty imparted her talk regarding discovering the potentials of each Girl Scout. Her lecture contained the life skills that each Girl Scout must possess and the rights that every Girl Scout has. Tita Nenita Navales or Tita Nitz was next as she discussed about the ill-effects of drugs especially on the youth of these days. She gave a group activity after which was called DDD (Describe a Drug Dependent). The patrols had the reporting regarding the body of a drug dependent and performed their given challenge such as song composition and role play.

The next facilitator. Tita Enriqueta Abanilla, carried out a game for the group which tested the knowledge of the girls on the history of scouting, its laws and its founders. When the game was through, the girls were given ten minutes to discuss and organize the yearlong activities which were done by school. One by one, the schools reported their plan of action. After finishing all the presentations, the Senior Senior Planning Board (SPB), Cadet Planning Board (CPB), Junior Journalist Guild (JJG) and Radio Television (RTV) were given the time to meet and create a similar action plan but now it was done by club. The continuation of the planning and organization of activities continued the next day. After all the discussions, the elections of the SPB, SPB, JJG and RTV took place.
The conference ended with the hope that each club would be productive and effective not only for the organization, the Girl Scouts of the Philippines, but also for the betterment of the society.