Eastern Mindanao. An ordinary place with extraordinary race.
I was cleaning our basement, preparing for a small party for my sister. She was a celebrity, you know!!!! (and I am the queen...lol)...I suddenly saw an album that fell on the floor. I opened it and scanned the pictures. I was shocked! I was overwhelmed finding a photo of four Girl Scouts who happens to pose during their National Encampment at Subic! whoowh...:) I laughed and said, "I think, GSP is really popular..."
As I looked closer, I realized that one of those girls was my sister! And the others, were girls from our own region, "Eastern Mindanao" who are also her friends! I smiled realizing that these girls are not just ordinary people now...
Katrina Gaviola (left). Can you imagine that this pretty young lady, posing shyly, is now a SUPERVISOR of a leading Call Center Company?! Amazing isn't it?! Behind those smiles, was a true girl scout proud of her achievements! Not the badges but the honor she is now bringing to her family and to the region! Go girL!
Elaine Gay Zabate (second from the left). This grinning lad is what you call lucky! She is now a jet seater of a foreign company! That's what you call successful! Because in one way or another, what she's doing right now, is the thing that makes her happy. That's the essence of Scouting. Learning along the way yet feeling happy in the end. :)
Annavie E. Bacomo (third from the left). Photogenic, isn't she?! She is a graduate of Tourism, cum laude at UP Diliman and currently studying LAW at USC Cebu. She is the best proof of what we say, "Big surprises comes from Small dreams." She told me once that she has missed a lot in GSP! She thought that everything ends after college. That is the reason why right now, she is supporting a CGSMS project at Agusan Council. And behind her joyous pose, is a lady with so much to give not just to her family but also for extending her hands to others.
Clayd Torreon (right side). Familiar?! Right! A candidate of the Binibining Pilipinas'07 happens to be a Girl Scout from Eastern Mindanao! Awesome, right?! It just emphasizes that as long as we persevere, we can reach our dreams! And it's nice to see that beyond that green girl is a young lady in a night gown who is worth a clap! :)
Wonderful, right?! It was just a glimpse of how girl scouting can make a difference in our lives! And as I've said, Eastern Mindanao maybe a far place; by then it can reach the farthest goals; yet stays

Before I started crying again, my sister came. And she saw their pictures..those funny ones and those where they already learned how to take a pose.:) She smiled and laughed. I then concluded that she really missed Girl Scouting so much...:(
But we, GSPs right now?! Will it be okay with us to just look at our pictures when we grow up?! Or will we dare to make a difference and take the lead?
We won't stay forever in this world, and right now, we are given the chance to have a choice...A choice that makes us who we are. :)
Dorothy Joy E. Bacomo
Agusan Council